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4 benefits of internationalising your business during a recession

We know that the prospect of targeting and expanding your sales and operations to a new market is scary. Especially if you're a small business with very limited resources, and with reports of an economic recession looming.

But just think about the following...

...Think about all the customers abroad you're not helping with your solution.

...Think about the risk you're facing right now for having your sales rely solely on one major market.

...Think about the untapped revenue potential you're ignoring.

...Think about the growth you could unlock through new customers recommending your solution to other potential customers.

So despite economic uncertainty, expanding your business to other markets can be the factor that elevates and separates your business from your competitors. Here are 4 main benefits of internationalising your business for you to consider:

Reach new customers

If anything else, targeting a new market is an opportunity to target new potential customers, increase brand awareness and the visibility of your tech solution.

Diversify your revenue sources

Generate more sales and increase revenues and profit

Grow as a business


And if you're concerned about lacking the resources to invest in business expansion, then this is where we come in - to help you target new markets with less risk and lower investment.

United Channels Consulting supports your business expansion by acting on your behalf in the designated territories, generating new leads in local clients, and developing a channel of active and engaged partners.

Contact us today to discuss how you can get started and how we can help you navigate this process of internationalising your business globally.


About the author

João Beato Esteves is the CEO of United Channels Consulting. He founded the company in 2017 after 20+ years of working in the IT and cybersecurity industries developing channels for prominent companies such as Symantec and disruptive start-ups like Watchful Software.

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